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Houses of Parliament

Legal changes

And in reguard the building with Bricke is not onely more comely and durable but alsoe more safe against future perils of Fire.
Charles II, 1666: An Act for rebuilding the City of London.
The Great Fire caused such destruction to the City of London that regulations were issued to prevent such a catastrophe happening again.

The new regulations of the London Building Act of 1667 were enforced by surveyors appointed to oversee them. Buildings had to be made from brick or stone, there needed to be sufficient spacing between them and streets should be wide enough to act as a fire break. Projections from buildings were banned.

London was relatively late in implementing such regulations in comparison to other countries in Europe. Amsterdam had already banned wood as a building material after two severe fires in 1421 and 1452, and Stockholm instructed that the city had to be rebuilt in brick after a great fire of 1625.

Other legal changes included a Fire of London Disputes Act in Parliament, to settle issues arising - "An Act for erecting a Judicature for Determination of Differences touching Houses burned or demolished by reason of the late Fire which happened in London". It was repealed in 1948.

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