We were delighted to be broadcast this week on Czech Radio, the country’s national radio station, speaking about the Leaning Woman statue in Hammersmith.
Nicola Stacey spoke to Foreign Correspondent Dr Jaromír Marek about the statue and its history – “In my opinion it is one of the most beautiful sculptures in London” – and Alex Cardew spoke about his mother, the muse for the creation of the sculpture. “She leaned on a broom. She had a music stand in front of her so she could read a book…”
The interviews and full story are here: https://radiozurnal.rozhlas.cz/avantgarda-inspirovana-klasicismem-sochu-ceskeho-autora-karla-vogela-v-londyne-9089912
Sochař Karel Vogel, rodák z Českých Budějovic, není u nás příliš známý. Svoji uměleckou kariéru zahájil v předválečném Československu, ale v roce 1938 byl ale nucen emigrovat do Velké Británie. Jeho poslední dílo – obří socha ležící ženy – v londýnské čtvrti Hammersmith se brzy dočká rekonstrukce. radiozurnal.rozhlas.cz
Czech Radio is the national radio station running since 1923 and is just 9 months younger than the BBC, making it the second oldest radio station in Europe. It has over a million daily listeners. The story was first broadcast on the popular Sunday programme called 'Zápisník zahraničních zpravodajů'.